12 Datasets
3 Groups
User since 12/06/2016
- jpg (6) Apply jpg filter
- zip (6) Apply zip filter
- cdf (3) Apply cdf filter
- epc (3) Apply epc filter
- matpower (3) Apply matpower filter
- png (3) Apply png filter
- pwb (3) Apply pwb filter
- pwd (3) Apply pwd filter
- raw (3) Apply raw filter
- tif (3) Apply tif filter
- dyd (2) Apply dyd filter
- dyr (2) Apply dyr filter
- gz (1) Apply gz filter
- psp (1) Apply psp filter
- tsb (1) Apply tsb filter
- GO Competition (6) Apply GO Competition filter
- Phase 0 (6) Apply Phase 0 filter
- PSCOPF (6) Apply PSCOPF filter
- Feasible (5) Apply Feasible filter
- American Electric Power System (3) Apply American Electric Power System filter
- GRID DATA (3) Apply GRID DATA filter
- OPF (3) Apply OPF filter
- Optimal Power Flow (3) Apply Optimal Power Flow filter
- power flow (3) Apply power flow filter
- Synthetic Data (3) Apply Synthetic Data filter
- TAMU (3) Apply TAMU filter
- AEP (2) Apply AEP filter
- Buses - 179 (2) Apply Buses - 179 filter
- IEEE - 14 (2) Apply IEEE - 14 filter
- RTS96 (2) Apply RTS96 filter
- security contingencies (2) Apply security contingencies filter
- Transient Stability (2) Apply Transient Stability filter
- ACTIVSg2k (1) Apply ACTIVSg2k filter
- ACTIVSg200 (1) Apply ACTIVSg200 filter
- ACTIVSg500 (1) Apply ACTIVSg500 filter
- Geomagnetic Distrubance Analysis (1) Apply Geomagnetic Distrubance Analysis filter
- IEEE - 30 (1) Apply IEEE - 30 filter
- IEEE - 57 (1) Apply IEEE - 57 filter
- IEEE - 118 (1) Apply IEEE - 118 filter
- infeasible (1) Apply infeasible filter
- MATLAB (1) Apply MATLAB filter
- MATPOWER (1) Apply MATPOWER filter
- PowerWorld (1) Apply PowerWorld filter
- PSLF (1) Apply PSLF filter
- PSS/E (1) Apply PSS/E filter
Steve.Elbert's content
Phase 0 179bus 10 feasible scenarios
- GO Competition Phase 0 Feas179-bus
Phase 0 Modified RTS96 100 scenarios
- GO Competition Phase 0 Modified RTS96
Phase 0 179bus 7 infeasible 3 feasible scenarios
- GO Competition Phase 0 Infeasible 179-bus
IEEE 118-Bus Power Flow Test Case
The IEEE 118 Bus Test Case represents a portion of the American Electric Power System (in the Midwestern US) as of December, 1962. The data was manually entered from a copy of a copy of a copy, etc., of the AEP 118 Bus Test System document dated...
IEEE 57-Bus Power Flow Test Case
The IEEE 57 Bus Test Case represents a portion of the American Electric Power System (in the Midwestern US) as it was in the early 1960's. The data was kindly provided by Iraj Dabbagchi of AEP and entered [IEEE Common Data Format](https://www2.ee...
GO Competition Phase 0 Modified IEEE 14
This dataset is composed of 100 scenarios for the preventative security constrained optimal power flow (PSCOPF) problem and is based on a modified IEEE 14 bus test case, which is a model of the American Electric Power System in 1962. The...