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SDET Base Power Flow Case Generation Tool

The base power flow case solution generation tool generates a converged power flow solution that is N-1 contingency safe for a synthetic power grid model. The N-1 contingency safety is defined as every single element failure (branch and generator) will not cause any voltage or line flow violations.

- To use this tool, you must have SIEMENS PTI PSS/E, version 33
- The code is tested and only valid with python 2.7, 32 bit, the reason being that PSS/E version 33 only supports python 2.7, 32 bit.

The synthetic power grid model is represented with the PTI RAW Format.

The topology of the synthetic power grid model is generated by the SDET topology generation tool. The synthetic power grid model is generated by connecting different fragments from realistic power systems, but the power flow has not been converged yet, and the tie-lines connecting different fragments are with high impedance.

To use this tool, SIEMENS PSS/E version 33 and its python API is required. Simply run the “” with python 2.7 32bit.

- PTI RAW format files of power systems with connected topology

The input raw file names are specified in the list "casenames".
- Example of the input file "System3000.raw" for a 3000-bus system
- You can replace the "System3000.raw" with any other synthetic power system topology generated with the SDET topology generation tool.

- Converged base power flow case solutions in PTI RAW format. The final converged base power flow case solutions are named with '_perfect’.
- For example, once you run the tool successfully, you will get the following:
1) "System3000_perfect.raw", which represents the converged power flow solution of the 3000-bus system, which is also N-1 safe
2) N-1 contingency analysis results of the 3000-bus system in the sub-folder "System3000_perfect.xlsx"

18 files in this archive

  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/All.mon
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/All_SDET.SUB
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/BSD LICENSE.pdf
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/governor powerflow file.inl
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/ReadMe.docx
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/System3000.raw
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/System700.raw
  • SDET_generate_basecase_tool_publish/TEST CONTINGENCY.CON
This file contains no Critical Electric Infrastructure Information (CEII)

Additional Information

filesize279.61 KB
resource typefile upload
timestampMar 19, 2019