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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and its power industry and software vendor partners are developing an innovative sustainable data evolution technology (SDET) to create open-access power grid datasets and facilitate updates to these datasets by the power grid community. The objective is to make this a sustained effort within and beyond the ARPA-E GRID DATA program so that the datasets can evolve over time and meet the current and future needs for power grid optimization and potentially other applications in power grid operation and planning.

The SDET approach will uniquely 1) derive features and metrics for both transmission and distribution (T&D) systems by analyzing many public and private datasets provided by our industry partners National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), PJM Interconnection (PJM), California Independent System Operator (CAISO), and Avista Utilities (Avista); 2) develop data-creation tools and use these tools to generate large-scale open-access realistic datasets that comply with the metrics for both T&D systems, and 3) validate the created datasets using industry tools provided by our vendor partner General Electric (GE).


see BSD LICENSE.pdf in zip file

Other Access

The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


via the DKAN API

DOI Information

No DOI assigned at this time.


A tool to create and anonymize fragments from a large-scale power system model in PTI v33 format.
1. Step 1: “SDET fragment creation”
a. The original power system model (for AC power flow analysis) should be saved as a standard PTI PSSE V33 raw file, in the folder “1. SDET fragment creation”. It should be a converged power flow case.
b. Open the file “PNNL” and update the casename to the one to be used (line 18). Save the change to the python file.
c. Open PSS/E v33, click the button “Run Automation File” and then select the above python file
d. A number of fragments will be created automatically, based on the zone definition of the original network.
e. A number of fragments will be created with a file name of ABCDEF_ZoneX_BusnumY_GennumZ_load….raw

  1. Step 2: “SDET fragment anonymization”
    a. Copy the created fragment files created at Step 1.e to a new folder containing these files, and/or other power grid models to be anonymized
    b. Go to the folder “2. SDET fragment anonymization” and open the exe file “SDET_Anonymization”
    c. Click “Select Input Folder” and select the input file folder created at Step 2.a.
    d. A list of files will be automatically shown
    e. Then Click Run button. The anonymized models will be saved in the corresponding output file folder.
    Note: the anonymization process will remove the original bus number, bus name, geographical coordinates, area number, zone number and owner information
Release Date
see BSD LICENSE.pdf in zip file
Contact Name
Ruisheng Diao
Contact Email
Public Access Level