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Power Systems Engineering Research Center MATPOWER

MATPOWER is a package of MATLAB® M-files for solving power flow and optimal power flow problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for researchers and educators that is easy to use and modify. MATPOWER is designed to give the best performance possible while keeping the code simple to understand and modify.

MATPOWER is developed by Ray D. Zimmerman, Carlos E. Murillo-Sánchez & others

Copyright © 1997-2016 PSERC

To use MATPOWER you will need:

MATLAB® version 7 (R14) or later, available from The MathWorks, Inc., or
GNU Octave version 3.4 or later.

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2869-bus portion of European transmission system

Power flow data for large part of European system.

This case accurately represents the size and complexity of the European high voltage transmission network. The network contains 2,869 buses, 510 generators, and 4,582 branches and it operates at 380, 220, 150, and 110 kV. Please note that the data are fictitious and do not correspond to real world data. They can thus be used to validate methods and tools but should not be used for operation and planning of the European grid.

The data stems from the Pan European Grid Advanced Simulation and State Estimation (PEGASE) project, part of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union.

When publishing results based on this data, please cite:
C. Josz, S. Fliscounakis, J. Maeght, and P. Panciatici, "AC Power Flow Data in MATPOWER and QCQP Format: iTesla, RTE Snapshots, and PEGASE"
S. Fliscounakis, P. Panciatici, F. Capitanescu, and L. Wehenkel, "Contingency ranking with respect to overloads in very large power systems taking into account uncertainty, preventive and corrective actions", Power Systems, IEEE Trans. on, (28)4:4909-4917, 2013.

1. Line flow limits are the current flow limits found in PEGASE data.
2. PEGASE data contains asymmetric shunt conductance and susceptance in the PI transmission line model of branches. Thus total line charging susceptance of branches is set to 0 p.u. and the nodal representation of shunt condutance and susceptance is used. As a result, power flow equations are left unchanged compared with original PEGASE data. However, line flow constraints in the optimal flow problem are modified.
3. Identical linear costs are used for all generators to form a loss minimizing OPF objective function.
4. Since some parts of the network are aggregated, some generators (e.g. with negative PMIN) represent aggregations of multiple loads and generators.

Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 by Cédric Josz, Stéphane Fliscounakis, Jean Maeght, and Patrick Panciatici
Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license

Release Date
Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location
Temporal Coverage
Tue, 01/01/2013 - 08:00 to Wed, 01/01/2014 - 07:59
C. Josz, S. Fliscounakis, J. Maeght, and P. Panciatici
Data Dictionary

The data files used by MATPOWER are MATLAB m-files or mat-files which define and return a single MATLAB structure. The m-file format is plain text that can be edited using any standard text editor.

The fields of the structure are baseMVA, bus, branch, gen, and optionally gencost, where baseMVA is a scalar and the rest are matrices. In the matrices, each row corresponds to a single bus, branch, or generator. The columns are similar to the columns in the standard IEEE CDF and PTI formats.

Bus Data Format
1 bus number (positive integer)
2 bus type
PQ bus = 1
PV bus = 2
reference bus= 3
isolated bus= 4
3 Pd, real power demand (MW)
4 Qd, reactive power demand (MVAr)
5 Gs, shunt conductance (MW demanded at V = 1.0 p.u.)
6 Bs, shunt susceptance (MVAr injected at V = 1.0 p.u.)
7 area number, (positive integer)
8 Vm, voltage magnitude (p.u.)
9 Va, voltage angle (degrees)
10 baseKV, base voltage (kV)
11 zone, loss zone (positive integer)
12 maxVm, maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.)
13 minVm, minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.)

Generator Data Format
1 bus number
2 Pg, real power output (MW)
3 Qg, reactive power output (MVAr)
4 Qmax, maximum reactive power output (MVAr)
5 Qmin, minimum reactive power output (MVAr)
6 Vg, voltage magnitude setpoint (p.u.)
7 mBase, total MVA base of this machine, defaults to baseMVA
8 status, > 0 - machine in service
<= 0 - machine out of service
9 Pmax, maximum real power output (MW)
10 Pmin, minimum real power output (MW)
11 Pc1, lower real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)
12 Pc2, upper real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)
13 Qc1min, minimum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr)
14 Qc1max, maximum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr)
15 Qc2min, minimum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr)
16 Qc2max, maximum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr)
17 ramp rate for load following/AGC (MW/min)
18 ramp rate for 10 minute reserves (MW)
19 ramp rate for 30 minute reserves (MW)
20 ramp rate for reactive power (2 sec timescale) (MVAr/min)
21 APF, area participation factor

Branch Data Format
1 f, from bus number
2 t, to bus number
3 r, resistance (p.u.)
4 x, reactance (p.u.)
5 b, total line charging susceptance (p.u.)
6 rateA, MVA rating A (long term rating), set to 0 for unlimited
7 rateB, MVA rating B (short term rating), set to 0 for unlimited
8 rateC, MVA rating C (emergency rating), set to 0 for unlimited
9 ratio, transformer off nominal turns ratio ( = 0 for lines )
10 angle, transformer phase shift angle (degrees), positive => delay
11 initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service
12 minimum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees)
13 maximum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees)

Generator Cost Data Format
NOTE: If gen has ng rows, then the first ng rows of gencost contain
the cost for active power produced by the corresponding generators.
If gencost has 2ng rows then rows ng+1 to 2ng contain the reactive
power costs in the same format.
1 model, 1 - piecewise linear, 2 - polynomial
2 startup, startup cost in US dollars
3 shutdown, shutdown cost in US dollars
4 N, number of cost coefficients to follow for polynomial
cost function, or number of data points for piecewise linear
5 and following, parameters defining total cost function f(p),
units of f and p are $/hr and MW (or MVAr), respectively.
(MODEL = 1) : p0, f0, p1, f1, ..., pn, fn
where p0 < p1 < ... < pn and the cost f(p) is defined by
the coordinates (p0,f0), (p1,f1), ..., (pn,fn) of the
end/break-points of the piecewise linear cost function
(MODEL = 2) : cn, ..., c1, c0
n+1 coefficients of an n-th order polynomial cost function,
starting with highest order, where cost is
f(p) = cnp^n + ... + c1p + c0

For more information, check Appendix B in MATPOWER manual pages 121 - 126.

Contact Name
Cédric Josz, Stéphane Fliscounakis, Jean Maeght, or Patrick Panciatici
Contact Email
Public Access Level
Additional Info: 

Author Institution

Réseau de Transport d'Electricité (French Transmission System Operator), Département Expertise Système, Immeuble "Le Colbert", 9 rue de la Porte de Buc, 78000 Versailles Cedex, France



Publish Date
