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Columbia University Synthetic Power Grid with Geographical Coordinates

Synthetic Grid based on WI

The following data set is generated based on the statistical properties of the US Western Interconnection. A detailed description of the generation procedure and an evaluation of the generated network is provided in [1-3].

This data set consists of four tables, each contained in a single comma-delimited CSV file. The files contain the data regarding the buses and lines in the synthetic network generated based on the topology of the Western Interconnection (WI) power grid as described in [1]. The used parameters are c = 55, η = 0.5, β = −2.5, and γ = 1.5. The data is organized as follows:

Gen_WI_Bus_Locations.csv provides the geographical location of each bus in the generated network. Each row of the corresponding table contains three fields: the bus number (labeled as Bus Number), the longitude of the bus in degrees (labeled as Lon), and the latitude of the bus in degrees (labeled as Lat).

Gen_WI_Lines.csv provides the list of the lines in the generated network. Each row contains four fields: the line number (labeled as Line Number), the bus number at one end of the line (labeled as Bus 1), the bus number at the other end of the line (labeled as Bus 2), and the length of the line (labeled as x) that can be used as the reactance value of that line.

Gen_WI_Supply_Values.csv provides the supply at each node in the generated network. Each row contains two fields: the bus number (labeled as Bus Number) and the supply value in megawatts (labeled as Supply).

Gen_WI_Demand_Values.csv provides the demand at each node in the generated network. Each row contains two fields: the bus number (labeled as Bus Number) and the demand value in megawatts (labeled as Demand).

[1] S. Soltan, A. Loh, G. Zussman, “A learning-based method for generating synthetic power grids,” to appear in IEEE Systems Journal. [download]
[2] S. Soltan and G. Zussman, “Generation of synthetic spatially embedded power grid networks,” in Proc. IEEE PES-GM’16, July 2016. [download]
[3] S. Soltan and G. Zussman, “Generation of synthetic spatially embedded power grid networks,” in arXiv:1508.04447 [cs.SY], Aug. 2015. [download]

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Columbia University
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Soltan, Saleh
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